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Harman Foundation

Bereavement Services

Our Bereavement Support Program provides bereaved families with immediate social, emotional and spiritual support by assisting families at the time of loss of their dear ones and thereafter till they are able to cope with their situation.


Our condolers will visit your home and help you overcome grief by expressing your thoughts and feelings about the loss and support you in the acceptance of the loss. They will talk about adjusting your life after the loss and coping with the changes within oneself and the world.


Typical feelings experienced in grief include sadness, anxiety, anger, loneliness, guilt, relief, isolation, confusion, or numbness. Behavioural changes may also be noticed, such as being disorganised, feeling tired, having trouble concentrating, sleep problems, appetite changes, vivid dreams or daydreaming  about the deceased.


We help you to work through the feelings, thoughts, and memories associated with the loss of your loved one.


We also provide assistance in making funeral arrangements through the Gurdwara and funeral homes and will be by your side at the funeral.


Please contact us on 1800 11 66 75 if you need support.

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